Friday, January 31, 2020

Different Worlds in Family and Outside Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Different Worlds in Family and Outside - Essay Example I spent 11 years of my childhood in Iran and life offered me both its good and bad sides. I was a well-behaved child but at times I was a problem for many people including my teachers and fellow students in school. My parents from time to time taught me good habits especially respect for people regardless of ethnicity or race. They taught me the values of working hard and reaping where I sow and dedication to everything I set myself to do. Throughout my life, I have had many friends basically because of my good public relations skills. I have since left Iran and currently living in the United States where life seems quite different and to be successful one need to be more serious and focused. Technology, infrastructure, health services, and many other areas are more superior to those back in Iran. I was however not that badly off in respect to technology together with my brother and this has helped me to cope well with the new life. My brother and I have had numerous conflicts with o ur parents based on the decisions they make or we make concerning our lives. They are obviously from a different generation that does not understand the world has changed to a more liberal society. All the same, disrespect to one’s parents is a taboo as dictated by our culture... I have no reason to hold on to my cultural orientations in this new land as other immigrants seem to have fully integrated with the American way of life. I have a goal of ensuring that my life in the United States will translate to a good life for the rest of my family members wherever they are. Am thankful to my family for raising me to be the person I am today. They taught me how to speak, walk and above all, how to be a good human being. I learned how to cooperate with others while doing family duties and this made family life quite exciting. I also learned how to love and dedicate myself to family matters, communicate well and respect all especially older people. Our society does not allow women to contribute towards family bills as a sign of respect to them. I was taught to help those how are in need. I am also thankful to my American high school classmates who helped me to learn English since it was a new and difficult language for me. They made it interesting to learn about ne w culture and behaviors.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Mother Daughter Relationships - Mothers and Daughters in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club :: Joy Luck Club Essays

Mothers and Daughters in The Joy Luck Club Although mothers and daughters are genetically related, sometimes they seem like complete strangers. When immigrants raise their children in America, there is a great concern for these parents that American culture will negatively affect their children. In the novel, The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, four mothers try to instill their Asian culture into their daughters' lifestyle; however, these daughters rebel against them, due to their desire to assimilate themselves into American culture. Early in the novel, the Joy Luck Club members discuss the different types of mah jong; it is then that Jing Mei realizes how oppositely she and her mother spoke to one another. While these women are explaining the differences in Chinese and Jewish mah jong, Jing Mei plays back the conversations that she and her mother used to have regarding the same topic. During their talks, her mother indirectly attempted to have her daughter keep her Asian culture a part of her daily lifestyle. One way was through Suayan's snappish tone, used when describing the lesser style, Jewish mah jong, with no logical explanation. Jing Mei assumed that this negativity was simply because of its ethnicity being unlike the Chinese way. Despite her mother's wishes, Jing Mei played Jewish mah jong with her friend's (22). Another roundabout manner Suayan avidly sought to keep the Asian tradition in her daughter's lifestyle was Suayan's refusal to speak to her daughter in English. Jing Mei's rebellion was similarly apparent when she continued to speak in a subdued tone in English while her mother spoke in Chinese. Later on in the novel, Waverly and her mother, Lindo, are at odds with each other over a simple haircut. Lindo is annoyed by Waverly's haircut because it does not resemble a traditional Asian hairstyle; rather it looks "chopped off," and that Waverly should "ask for {her} money back (182). Waverly, on the other hand, loves it because it looks fashionably American (182). Knowing it would infuriate her mother, Waverly rebels regardless because it was more important to look "hip" than to please her mother. Towards the end of the novel, Waverly and her mother conflict over whether Waverly, as a young woman, will be accepted in China since she has been able to "walk out the door by herself and go to school," she has chosen not to follow her mother's Chinese ways (289).

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Approaches to Learning Essay

There are various ways which people can learn. There is a need to identify approaches that can assess learning effectively. David Kolb proposed a four stage learning process with a cycle of learning. (Gravells, A. 2008). The process is represented in the diagram below: Concrete experience This is process where the learner experiences or immerses themselves in the task. It is the first stage where the task assigned is carried out. It is also called the doing stage. In my specialism, this could be the time where I give my learner class assignment or test to do in the class. (Gravells, A. 2008). It is good way of assessing learning and getting feedback immediately. Observation and Reflection This involves stepping back from the activity and reviewing what has been done and experienced. Here the learner’s values, attitudes and beliefs can affect their thinking process. This is the process where the learner thinks about what they you have done. The learner has the opportunity to reflect on what has been done in the classroom through the home work given. Abstract conceptualisation This is where the learner tries to interpret and understand the activities that have been carried out during learning. This is the planning how you will do it differently stage. The learner has the opportunity to do this as I lecture a particular topic in mathematics. Active Experimentation It enables the learner to take in new learning and predict what is likely to happen next or what future actions can be taken to improve the way activities can be done in future. This is the redoing stage based upon experience and reflection. When feedback on Tests or home work is given, the learner has the opportunity to improve upon what has already been submitted. Learning styles A learning style is a learner’s consistent way of responding and using stimuli in the context of learning. Honey and Mumford’s learning style questionnaire is another theory used to demonstrate how a learner is able to learn effectively. Questionnaires were given to the learner’s that probes general behavioural tendencies. Although their theory is drawn from David Kolb, it had some differences. Learners were divided into Reflectors, Theorists, Pragmatist and Activist. Reflector The learner prefers to learn from activities they watch, think and review what has happened. They like to use journals and brainstorming. [accessed on 3 July 2012.]. To be able to ensure learning takes place for this kind of learner, as a Teacher I would organise more group work, discussions and lecturing in mathematics sessions. Also give out hand outs for learner to read and reflect upon. Theorists Learners in this category prefer to think a problem through step by step manner. They like lectures, analogies, systems, case studies, models and reading. I would organise more lectures on a topic, give handouts and assignments for such learners giving them the opportunity to tackle problems/ questions later on. Pragmatist The learners prefer to apply new learning to actual practice to see if they work. They prefer field works, laboratories, observations, feedback and coaching. Â  Here learning can effectively take place where a lot of examples on topics are tried out with learner before giving out home work or assignments. A lot of clear feedback on assignments/ tasks and activities will be needed to ensure the learners actually understand information passed across.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Pharaohs Double Crown of Egypt

Ancient Egyptian pharaohs are usually depicted wearing a crown or a head-cloth. The most important of these was the double crown, which symbolizes the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt and was worn by pharaohs starting with the First Dynasty around the year 3000 BCE. Its ancient Egyptian name is the pschent. The double crown was an amalgamation of the white crown (Ancient Egyptian name hedjet) of Upper Egypt and the red crown (Ancient Egyptian name deshret) of Lower Egypt. Another name for it is shmty, meaning the two powerful ones, or sekhemti. The crowns are seen only in artwork and no specimen of one has been preserved and discovered.  In addition to the  pharaohs, the gods Horus and Atum are depicted wearing the double crown. These are gods that are closely allied with the pharaohs. Symbols of the Double Crown The combination of the two crowns into one represented the rule of the pharaoh over his united kingdom. The red deshret  of Lower Egypt is the outer portion of the crown with cutouts around the ears. It has a curled projection in front that represents the proboscis of a honeybee, and a spire in the back  and an extension down the back of the neck. The name deshret  is also applied to the honeybee. The red color represents the fertile land of the Nile delta. It was believed to have been giving by Get to Horus, and the pharaohs were the successors of Horus. The white crown is the interior crown, which was more conical or bowling pin shaped, with cutouts for the ears. It may have been assimilated from the Nubian rulers before being worn by rulers of Upper Egypt. Animal representations were fastened to the front of the crowns, with a cobra in attack position for Lower Egyptian goddess Wadjet and a vulture head for the goddess Nekhbet of Upper Egypt. It isnt known what the crowns were made of, they could have been made of cloth, leather, reeds, or even metal.  Because no crowns have been found in burial tombs, even in those that were undisturbed, some historians speculate they were passed from pharaoh to Pharaoh. History of the Double Crown of Egypt Upper and Lower Egypt were united around the year 3150 BCE with some historians naming Menes as the first pharaoh and crediting him for inventing the pschent. But the double crown was first seen on a Horus of the pharaoh  Djet  of the First Dynasty, around 2980 BCE. The double crown is found in the Pyramid Texts. Nearly every pharaoh from 2700 through 750 BCE was depicted wearing the pschent in hieroglyphs preserved in tombs. The Rosetta Stone and the king list on the Palermo stone are other sources showing the double crown associated with pharaohs. Statues of Senusret II and Amenhotep  III are among many showing the double crown. The Ptolemy rulers wore the double crown when they were in Egypt but when they left the country they wore a diadem instead.